Sunday Morning Worship Service
11:00 AM PST
(In-Person and Youtube Live)
Tuesday Night Bible Class
7:00 PM PST
(Zoom and YouTube Live)
Meeting ID: 996-168-1219 | Passcode: Emman33!
Dial In: (669) 444-9171 | Meeting ID: 996 168 1219 | Passcode: 88789915
33rd Emmanuel
Church Of God In Christ
1399 E. 33rd Street
Los Angeles, California 90011
Dress Attire
Dress in your most comfortable church attire. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes so you can get your praise on.
What Should I Expect As a First Time Guest?
Expect to be greeted by our friendly ushers and our voice of hospitality will recognize you during the service. We will greet you with a smile and a COVID-appropriate fist bump.
What Type of Service Should I Expect?
We are a hand clapping, feet stomping, tongue talking, Pentecostal church. Expect to get a great word from the Lord and get your praise on!
Contact Us:
Please use the form below to send us a message.